Spidey Coverart by Andrew Von Dinklage

Spidey Coverart by Andrew Von Dinklage

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Another Thor Sketch

I did another sketch of Thor. He's one I really like sketching freehand with a marker pen.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Concept Sketch: Scout

I like to do concept sketches -sort of detailed doodles. They are almost always ink pen sketches. This one is a sci-fi scout. He looks like he's not necessarily human...

Ink Sketch of Thor

I did this a couple of days ago. It's a freehand ink sketch of Thor (coloured in on the computer). Once again, it's not pencils but it's done the same as I do my pencils, just with a 1.0mm ink pen.

I've said before that I'm not very good at inking. In this case (sketching freehand with no pencil construction), I'm not bad. It's only when I try and ink my own pencils that I get dissatisfied. For some reason, I lose a lot of the feel of the original drawing whenever I ink over pencils. And I'm NOT going to give an example...

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Some Character Sketches

I've been working on a comic character for a few weeks now and here are some sketches that I've done.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


This is a character sketch I did while working on storyboards a few years back. I had to render the background to cover up the rough photography (I didn't have a scanner then and I took a very bad photo of the sketch to get it onto my computer).

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Gladiator Sketch

I did this one a while ago too. Free-hand ink-pen sketch of a gladiator and coloured in with some felt-tip markers. I did this one when I was reading a lot of Wilce Portacio/ Art Thibert Marvel comics, and also when Jim Lee was drawing for Marvel. I was trying to copy that style of hatch and cross-hatch that those guys were using. I also was drawing much smaller heads back then and much bigger bodies (remember "Bishop" from X-Factor? -good example of what I'm talking about).

I know it's not pencils but...

Monday, October 25, 2010

"Oracle" sketch

I did this one a while ago actually -when I had a drawing tablet. It's just a sketch of the human head basically, but he kind of looks like a blind oracle.